Hi and Welcome. Got a Question?  Need a referral? Call us (248) 356-3500

Welcome to our home on the Web. Though I am not currently taking new clients, we have kept the website up because we think you will find a lot of useful information here.  And, I do know some good attorneys!  If you have been searching and not found anybody satisfactory, give us a call (248) 356-3500 and let’s see if we can’t get you all fixed up. Below you will see some referrals for you to consider. In the meantime browse our website and find information you’ve been looking for.

Spouse in a nursing home? Need to save money? Here’s how.

If your spouse is in a nursing home and you looked into Medicaid you learned that you will have to spend at least half of your life savings and some or all of your spouse’s income will go to the nursing home. For most seniors that is not enough to live.  Most couples adjust their finances based on their income.  Take away one spouse’s household income and it’s economic disaster! If you did a search of the internet you will often see folks selling a “Medicaid annuity” as the fix.  That doesn’t work so well for many folks since it adds to the community spouse income and may decrease the amount of nursing home spouse income that Medicaid allows to go to the “community spouse.” There are better alternatives. In brief two of the best are the court order of support and the spouse sole benefit trust. Read more here.

2025?  A Big Year ahead. Trouble looks likely.

Well! I hope I’m wrong about this but 2025 does not look like a good year for elders.  I know most retired folks depend upon Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other government supported programs such as Area Agencies on Aging.  Those programs look to be on the “cut-back” block with Tax Cuts the order of the day.  All I can say is “get your affairs in order” and keep in contact with your elder law attorney, Area Agency on Aging and your senior center news.  Buckle up and stay tuned and keep in contact with your local representatives in your state legislature and in Congress.

End of Estate Recovery? Not for a Long Time

Date: Late December 2024. 
Looking forward to 2025 and beyond it looks like there will be no repeal of Medicaid estate recovery.  The incoming Trump shows no sign that giving relief to working families is on the agenda.  With a cabinet of billionaires it looks more like “tax cuts will fix everything.” SO, if you or a family member has a long term care condition such as Alzheimer’s Disease one of the many dementias, Parkinson’s Disease, ALS, crippling rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis or other disabling condition you MUST see an elder law attorney NOW to protect you, your family and loved ones from destitution. 

End of Summer Report

What has happened over the summer since our last report? What is the timeless News You Need to Know? You can always drop us a call or an email, but in our latest post, here,  I’ll report to you on developments in Elder Law.  In short, these have to do with Medicaid Estate Recovery, Court Orders of Support and Michigan’s Durable Power of Attorney Law.  But in short it is still true that if you need to venture into Medicaid for assistance with long term care needs, whether at home or in a nursing home you will find it advantageous to consult with a knowledgeable Elder Law Attorney.  If you’re not in the Detroit Michigan area, Fear Not!  Give us a call for any part of the country and, at the least, we’ll find you a knowledgeable  Elder Law attorney who won’t try to scare you and sell you. Knowledge is power and I say Power To The Clients!  So go ahead toss any elder law question you have and we’ll go to work and get you an honest answer that will help you not enrich “some sharp attorney.” By the way that last cynical point is one made by people who are afraid of the illusory power of attorneys. Good Elder Law attorneys are not scary and want to make the world a better place one client at a time. Honest!  Ask for a no-charge referral. Try us.  You’ll like us. 😊

Who can we refer you to?

If you call, we will get a sketch of the issue you want resolved and give you a referral to elder law attorneys we trust. But first let’s understand that elder law attorney do not handle all legal issues.  Elder law is not every legal problem that confronts a senior. A good example is a traffic ticket, say for missing a stop sign. So, here’s a quick read on “What is elder law?

Here are some Elder Law attorneys you can trust to take good care of you:

  1. For folks in Oakland County try  one of Michigan’s premiere elder law firms Mall, Malisow & Cooney of Farmington Hills Michigan. Ask for Art Malisow or Sandy Mall. I am “of counsel” with them and that means we have an informal relationship.  I am not an employee or member of the firm. The two principal attorneys, Sandford (Sandy) Mall and Art Malisow, are Certified Elder Law Attorneys. They offer a full service Elder Law firm ready to meet the need of any client. They may be contacted at (248) 538-1800.  Be sure to say “Jim Schuster sent me.”  They will give you their Red Carpet treatment.
  2. For folks in Western Wayne County I have great respect and can recommend Norman “Gene” Richards. You can contact him at (734) 261-2400. He has a complete elder law practice including estate planning and his firm has other attorneys who handle business and other matters.  They also have an office in Clinton Twp., Macomb County.  Tell him Jim sent you.
  3. Also in In Macomb County, Patrick Bond, a former Chair of the Michigan Elder Law Section, handles Elder Law and probate court matters. His office is in St Clair Shores and his number is (586) 447-3717.
  4. If a family member was injured at a nursing home, assisted living facility or senior apartments, I have great respect for Jules Olsman who handles these sorts of negligence and malpractice cases.  His firm is in Berkley and the phone number is (248) 591-2300.  Be sure to tell them Jim Schuster sent you.

And finally if you are not satisfied with any of the above, just give me a call and we’ll help you find the “just right” attorney.


Living the Tradition of Honesty and Respect
Living the Tradition of Honesty and Respect
The Log Cabin Lawyer