A Pill to Reverse Alzheimer’s?

The dream of the Alzheimer’s patient: reversal of memory loss. There was an enticing report in 2014 that memory loss could be reversed. These were cases of what some called “type 3 diabetes.” In some patients improper processing of carbohydrates led to loss of cognitive function. In those patients improved diet and exercise restored memory function. Other than a prescription of “health living” the study did not offer hope to other memory loss patients.

Recently another study was published that promised renewal of memory processing lost through brain aging. In the Toronto Centre for Addiction and Mental Health study the scientist found that some cases of memory loss involved loss of brain ‘chemicals.’ When these are depleted memory function declines. When restored by additives memory function returned. The study raises the question whether a pill with the necessary brain chemicals can restore memory function in early stage Alzheimer’s patients.
See the report in Science Daily, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/02/190214102504.htm

One Commentator cautioned that the “drug” that would be used is related to the class of drugs called benzodiazepines. These can have dangerous withdrawal side effects.

Yet, the Canadian study gives new  hope of finding and reversing the brain process that leads to memory loss in Alzheimer’s. They tell of a day when these brain changes may be prevented or reversed.

Will there soon be a pill that can prevent and restore memory loss? Miracles seem to await, “down the road.”

Jim Schuster, CELA

Jim is one of 18 Certified Elder Law Attorneys in Michigan. He has numerous titles in the Elder Law field , including former Chair of the Michigan State Bar Elder Law Section, and has been a licensed attorney since 1978. His clients like his caring, respectful handling of their problems.