Fall Update

What’s been going on? National advocacy. I am on the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Advocacy Committee. I’ve been watching for the reintroduction of the repeal of Medicaid Estate Recovery – I wrote about the Jan Schakowsky bill before. But, in spite of all the interest by advocacy groups, she did not reintroduce the bill, this session of Congress.
However another bill introduced by Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown the ” SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act” has a chance at getting passed, even during this era of wars – Culture War, Middle East War, Ukraine Russia War. However as slow as Congress is, so are the “ships” of national advocacy associations, including NAELA. I’m hoping to get something going on the bill by NAELA. In other words, what we think of as very important does not get the light of day! Nonetheless, I will continue to work in these very important national issues that will benefit all my clients, and all persons who have an interest in our elders and elder law.

Jim Schuster, CELA

Jim is one of 18 Certified Elder Law Attorneys in Michigan. He has numerous titles in the Elder Law field , including former Chair of the Michigan State Bar Elder Law Section, and has been a licensed attorney since 1978. His clients like his caring, respectful handling of their problems.